Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 36 at the Maryland State Archives

Several case studies of Maryland State Colonization Society emigrants are now available on our website. Unfortunately due to copyright issues, digitized images from the collection’s microfilm are not accessible to the public online but will be available to visitors to the Archives. I hope to complete the case studies of a few more families before the end of the fellowship. Last week I did some more research on William H. Butler. I visited the Maryland State Law Library across the street to look up newspaper accounts of Butler’s death in 1892. Since he was such a prominent citizen of Annapolis, Butler’s passing and funeral were reported in the city’s main newspaper, the Evening Capital.

I closed out the week by participating in career day at Arundel Middle School. Most of the students did not know what archives are so it was a wonderful opportunity to tell them about what we do and possible careers in the field. They were very energetic students and asked great questions about archives.


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