Monday, May 21, 2012

Weeks 35-37 at the Alabama Department of Archives and History

Greetings from Montgomery!

Well, my time is coming to an end here at the Alabama Department of Archives and History, and I am spending my last weeks finishing my outstanding projects. Last Thursday (May 17, 2012) I presented my last public program while a part of this fellowship and it went very well. It was a wonderful experience to meet the nice librarians and hear the new things they were trying to implement at their branches.  I have finished the last book of the Peppler Collection (Metadata included) and processing the Datcher collection, which is now online. I have pretty much completed my last projects here, but I know I will find something to work on for one more week. I hope everyone has had a productive and encouraging experience at their respective repositories and I know we are all busy finishing our projects.

That's all I have for now. Until next time,

Cheylon Woods
Alabama Department of Archives and History Fellow.

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