Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Amanda J. Carter: Week 20 (January 12 – January 18) @ Fisk University

William McKissack Papers
The Office files series and its corresponding portion of the finding aid is complete.  By Thursday, I had begun to sort through the next section: The National Baptist Sanitarium and Bathhouse in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  This sounds like a fascinating project so I am excited to find out more about it.  By Friday, I had begun processing the materials at the folder level.  This consists of going through older folders and separating out the materials into an arrangement that closely resembles the College Hill subseries.  This will likely include the following sections: Correspondence, Financial records, Legal records, Notes, Schedules, Specifications, and Vendors.  I have already created nearly a box full of vendor folders and there is a rough Correspondence section already created.  On average I have been going through boxes at a rate of about three boxes per week, so I estimate that I should be finished with this section by the end of next week. 

The foremost challenge right now is to remain on schedule.  I have been trying to get ahead of schedule but, as often happens, various challenges have arisen to prevent it.  However, I have remained on schedule.  I hope that the section I am currently processing reflects much of the previous project I completed.  If there are not numerous new sections, then the processing should go rather smoothly. 

Until next time…

Amanda J. Carter
Franklin Library, Fisk University
IMLS HistoryMakers Fellow 2012-2013

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