In my 38th week at the Mayme A. Clayton Library
and Museum, I attended an IMLS Career Festival at The University of California at Riverside.
I felt very fortunate to have met Dr. Patricia Smith-Hunt at last week's Board of Directors meeting and I happily accepted her invitation to her IMLS Career Festival
in Riverside. Dr. Smith-Hunt is one of the administrators for an IMLS grant to
increase diversity in librarianship for the Inland Empire area of southern
California. The majority of their participants are current students in M.L.S. programs and the grant supports them with funding for tuition and professional
development. Their program had funding to pay for me to spend the night before
the event in a hotel in Riverside. This way I would not have to fight traffic
out of Los Angeles to make it to Riverside for the 8:30 AM start time. The day
was jam packed with guest speakers and opportunities to network. The best part
of the event is that all of the information was geared toward individuals that
were starting careers in special, school, academic and public libraries. I
learned about trends in the job market and how we can frame our experience and education to
be more attractive to employers.
The career counselor for San Jose State University spent the
entire afternoon talking about resumes, interviews and cover letters. She even
workshop-ed our resumes at the end of the day. I have not seen my paper “bleed”
that much since my freshman honors English class. She encouraged me to be more
direct with the information in my resume with less narrative; and focus on my
accomplishments. She also recommended that I used “Related Experience” rather
than “Employment History”, so that I could put my volunteer experience
alongside my “work” experience. Prior to the HistoryMakers, I had read so many
books about resumes and assumed I had put together a strong one, but I thought
that her advice was sound and I am going to spend some time updating mine. She
also said that every resume should be tailored to fit the job that you are
applying for, no exceptions. She recommended a master resume that lists
everything that you have ever done and just pull what is extremely relevant
when drafting the resume for a prospective job.
One of the speakers gave one fact and asked one question
that pointed to the fundamental problem of any job search. The fact is that the
overwhelming majority of people find their jobs through networking and when she
asked how we felt about networking; the answers were awkward, forced, fake, and
uncomfortable. She encouraged us to re-frame the way that we look at networking
and just take the time to get to know one new person at a time; it does not have
to be business card collecting marathon. With the M.L.S. degree as the common
denominator for everyone in the room; it was nice to hear how we can manipulate
our skill sets to work in a grand variety of atmospheres. I am guilty of just
entering “archivist” in the search field and wondering why I don’t get very
many hits; why not enter “content manager” or “researcher” or “metadata” and
see what comes up. Libraries and archives are not the only places that need
archivists. I took five pages of notes and talked to a good number of
folks that are excited about pursuing careers in information science. Overall, it was a nice change of scenery and a great way to get some perspective on the variety of opportunities that are available after this fellowship.
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