Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week One!

Aaisha here, from Charleston! What can I say about my first week, well-it was awesome. Since, I visited earlier in the year I was already familiar with the staff and they welcomed me back with smiles and nice greetings. It has been an adjustment not only to the work environment, but also to the Southern culture.

This week I worked on two collections, one was the Humane and Friendly Society, which was a benevolent society created by free Blacks in Charleston, South Carolina in 1802/1803 to provide support for widows, to provide a place for burial, and also supported educational and training for African American males. It was a small collection, but it was a good way to get my feet wet in understanding the history of Black Charleston. Now I am working on Lecque (aka Leque) Family papers collection, which is small collection too, but has required me to do a lot of genealogical research on the family. Other activities that I have participated in include staff meetings regarding placing oral histories online at the http://lowcountrydigital.library.cofc.edu/ and the planning of the Daughters of the Dust conference, which is happening this weekend (Friday-Saturday).

When I am not at work, I take time to walk downtown, attend farmer’s markets (which have spicy pickles), drink coffee, and soak in the historic markers of Charleston.

Next week, look for a reflection on the conference and updates on archival processing, until next time, stay safe and acid free.

More Information about the Conference can be found here

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