Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 33 at the Amistad Research Center

I continued to process Series 6, O’Neal’s University Files. The University Files series covers O'Neal's academic career as a college student and his professional career as a guest lecturer at Southern Illinois University (SIU).  After graduating from SIU, in 1962, O’Neal returned to his alma mater as a guest lecturer in the Theater Department (1979).  He also taught playwriting as a visiting professor at Cornell University (1989-1992).  As a college student, O’Neal doubled majored in English and Philosophy and double minored in Psychology and Art. Most of the files in this series include academic term papers, class syllabi, and examination notes from his courses; materials from the Student Christian Federation (1958-1962); and meeting minutes, reports, and correspondence, as an active member and corresponding secretary of the Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (1958).


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