Monday, April 30, 2012

Week Thirty-Four at the Maryland State Archives

Last week was pretty similar to the week before. I’m continuing to work on case studies. I updated and expanded the biography of William H. Butler, Annapolis’ first black alderman, and sent it off for the input of a local historian before it goes on our website. There’s still a lot that I could not confirm about his early life (there's a surprising number of William H. Butlers in Maryland!) so I’m hoping that she’ll be able to offer some insight into that era of his life. I’ve also been updating case studies for Maryland State Colonization Society emigrants, so hopefully those will be uploaded to our website later this week. Lastly, I’ll be chairing a MARAC session on African American archives in the fall. I’ve been working with the session organizer to revise the session description for the program, which is due today.


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