Cambridge Radio
Since Maya works in a separate office, I do not know her well personally. During the one hour and ten minute drive (which became 1 1/2 for unknown traffic congestion reasons) she talked about the various internships and projects she performed for work and school. One of them included a survey of various sites associated with Harriet Tubman who was from Dorchester County. The Eastern Shore's highways were nearly level with the expansive cultivated scenery unlike the Western Shore where landscaping, walls, and trees give the feeling of being boxed in. It was pleasant to see many names of families and roads familiar to me through examinations of the Strong and Martenet maps on the LOSIM Website.
Despite my fears of tardiness we arrived moments before Dr. Kay herself. Although it was a warm day regardless, the woman before me radiated her own warmth as we shook hands and started our pre-interview; her information packet about me included a clipping from a periodical concerning my first public presentation on Kent Island in February. She was so friendly yet officious that I felt like we learned equally as much about her in just ten minutes of talking. Once we entered the studio she and the technician ran us through the time blocks for content and commercials, what aspects of ourselves or LOSIM's work would be covered, and the meaning of time signals given by the technician behind the sound-proof glass.
The hour went incredibly fast and it is difficult to remember what exactly was said over the air. It felt more like the three of us were simply continuing our conversation from earlier. At some point Dr. Kay proclaimed I had an excellent voice and, just barely over her breath, claimed she would tap me for a play she was involved with. I took the lead by providing LOSIM work samples including runaway ads pertinent to the Cambridge, MD area. She had me read two; the first concerned a runaway from a community Dr. Kay lived in while the other was a $3,100 reward for two dozen escaped slaves whose owner's were thoroughly researched last year. Since it would not make great radio to simply read the slave owner case studies which I brought, we closed with a discussion about the broad definition that LOSIM uses to fit under the Underground Railroad umbrella and the importance of identifying slave agency.
Know Your Rights
May 18 was my final presentation for LOSIM. Arranged earlier this year,
Allison Seyler, Tanner Sparks, and I presented on Maryland slave and
slave ownership history as they concerned the legal system. I again
talked about Indian Moll and her descendants' claims against John P.
Paca, the son of a Founding Father William Paca, but also shared the
stories of Negro Adam (1789) and the descendants of Edward Green (1808).
In the case of Edward Green I used his 1801 manumission by Edward Strong to highlight Maryland's efforts to regulate manumissions at the county and agency level. Because Green's manumission did not contain the required information and was entered into evidence, the defendant appealed the case on a technicality. Thankfully for Green's descendents the appeals court sustained the lower court's ruling and they were freed. My regret about the Green case study is that I will probably never learn why his descendents submitted his manumission into evidence; as far as I know there is no legal consequence of having a free male relative.
Tanner Sparks presented on his work with the United States Colored Troops, a topic I've previously written about. This time he showed different pension paperwork that included a 1901 medical examiner's description of whip scars on pensioner and Grand Army of the Republic member Robert Riley. Tanner has worked with scores of USCT research subjects but never previously encountered such detail.
The audience surveys which followed the presentation were very encouraging. Of the fifteen, the two most negative comments I found were 1) despite running nearly two hours with Q&A it was "too short" and 2) we talked too quickly. A handful of people (3) wrote that they learned only a little, a grade below "Learned A Lot" (12) but a grade above "Nothing New" (0).
Alex Champion--Maryland State Archives
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