Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 3rd - 6th, 2012


Hello all!! I hope you are enjoying the new year and taking full advantage of opportunities it has offered thus far. I feel this year will be a great year!! 

So, this week I began the largest portion of the project, Section II: S.L. Smith. This section consist of 30 boxes, unprocessed. I predict around 50 boxes processed. I have began by separating everything into decades (1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s) and then will break things down future from that point on. I estimate this will take me about a month and half to do so. One problem I have encountered is that S.L. Smith's date of death has not been listed in any of the documents thus far. When he retired as Peabody's Provost in 1947, he was 72 years old. This is a lengthy life for the 1940s. Online research is a bust when it comes to finding a details biography on him. I have done my own research in the very beginning, creating a timeline of his life and no death date turned up then. In addition, nothing has turned up in my 1960s pile, yet. I assume he passed away in the 1950s. I will continue may require some phone calls and a trip over to Peabody. I will update you as the process come along. Again, Happy New Year and blessing!!

Aisha Johnson

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