Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week Eighteen at The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum

Happy belated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day! All of the events that were planned at MCLM went well.

I continue to process a collection of songbooks with the help of two volunteers. There are certain duties that are easily assigned to volunteers such as the initial inventorying process and updating the name and subject authorities in the catalog. Some of the duties I take control of are pulling subjects from the library of congress, verifying the appropriate library of congress number for the book and what collection to attach the item to in the database. 

An item I came across that was interesting is a songbook entitled Negro Melodies No.1 Happy Contraband dated 1865.  The songs lyrics provide information about what slaves ate how the masters dressed and other details about slave life.  Song lyrics are an interesting primary source that may be under utilized.

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