Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 9 -13th, 2012 @ Fisk University

Hello all! I hope all is well and everything is going as you wish. I have continued to work on the second section of the S.L. Smith collection. Nothing has turned up in my 1960s pile yet. I am sure, as I thumb through the individual papers, a document will show a death date...hoping for a Newspaper article. I received an invitation to attend a photo preservation workshop in Atlanta next week, which I gladly accepted. I look forward to the workshop and networking. Also, I have started working on my presentations for the National Rosenwald School Conference in June. I will present on the topic of HBCU Archives and also a poster presentation on the S.L. Smith collection. I am very excited for the exposure the collection and Fisk University Library will receive from the poster presentation.

Aisha Johnson

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