Monday, February 27, 2012

February 20 - 24th, 2012 @ Fisk Franklin Library

Hello all! Another busy week. I completed the processing of subsections 1 and 2 (1867-1929). What a relief to be done with those areas. One I mentioned before the snag you can encounter while processing a collection can also help you to take a step back and review you arrangement order, which I did. As I started sorting subsection 3 (1930-1939), I have applied those changes to the arrangement order. Subsection 3 is rather large; 4 piles of documents at least a foot high. I plan to complete the sorting next week, prior to spring break (3/5-9/2012), and began the processing the week I return from spring break.

On Tuesday, a consultant from the Image Permanence Institute, Jeremy, visit with us. He discusses preservation in forms of environmental factors and HVAC systems. He also introduced me (and re-presented to others) PEM monitors. These monitors measure and track the temperature and relative humidity in a room in order to improve the preservation environment. You can also determine dew point with the system. II was able to ask many questions, which he pleasantly answered. I found this information extremely helpful and something I can use in the near future.

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