Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week Twenty-Four at the Maryland State Archives

I spent last week working on several different projects. One of the most exciting was the launch of our Facebook page to commemorate Frederick Douglass’ 194th birthday! One of the featured images is the record of Douglass’ birth in 1818. You can visit our Facebook page here.

Early in the week, I gave a presentation about Black History Month and archives to an after school program at a local housing complex. The children ranged in age from six to about ten so visual aids (printouts of photographs, a runaway ad, etc.) were really helpful. I also showed pictures from a fabulous children’s book published by the Library of Virginia, To Collect, Protect, and Serve. Later in the week, we had an advisory board meeting for the Study of the Legacy of Slavery in Maryland to discuss our progress and to get feedback. They are a very supportive board, and it was great to meet them, especially Kate Larson whose book, Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero, I refer to quite frequently. I’m also researching William H. Butler, a 19th century Annapolis alderman and probably the first elected African American in Maryland. Born a slave and manumitted as a young man, Butler became one of Annapolis’ most wealthy residents. I’m also continuing to research and write case studies of Maryland emigrants to Liberia and am working on several upcoming presentations. Until next week!


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