Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 26 at The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum

My database management skills were on full display last week.  The desktop database has officially migrated over to the full online catalog.  Post-migration there are some things left to do before the database is available for the public. 

In order to jump start our volunteer staff MLCM is holding two training days in the following weeks.  I will be heading the training by teaching a diverse group of volunteers how to catalog a book.  The basic procedure for cataloging books can then be applied to catalog any number of items. Currently, I am developing a workflow that will easily lay out this new procedure. 

Besides database management, I have been working with a volunteer in the writing of a NEH grant.  The grant will bring funding to MCLM to help preserve our vast collection of scrapbooks and photo albums.  Most of the scrapbooks were put together by Dr. Mayme A. Clayton while others were purchased.  An impressive item we have in our collection is a Lena Horne scrapbook.  It is believed this is her personal scrapbook, containing personal information about breaking her leg in 1942, a little known public fact.

Alyss Zohar
The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum
I.M.L.S Fellow, M.L.I.S

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