Monday, March 19, 2012

Week Twenty-Eight at the Maryland State Archives

After devoting so much time to preparing for my presentations in the past few weeks, I spent last week catching up on administrative tasks and responding to reference questions that resulted from my talks. I also continued working on case studies of the Maryland State Colonization Society emigrants. On Thursday, I joined other LOSIM staff to attend the 2012 Symposium on African American History sponsored by Hampton National Historic Site. The symposium’s theme was Free Yet Bound: The African American Community in Baltimore, 1800-1864, and Dr. Christopher Phillips of the University of Cincinnati provided the keynote address. I’ve written more about the symposium on my blog.

In other news, I am delighted to announce that I’ve been appointed to the Mosaic Scholarship Subcommittee of the SAA Awards Committee. It’s a really tough time for new archivists, and I’m excited to find a way to serve SAA and to offer concrete encouragement and support for new archivists.


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