Monday, November 21, 2011

Week Eleven at Alabama Department of Archives and History

Hello and greetings from Montgomery!!!!

This week has been full of meetings and follow up phone calls! There has been so much going on around here as of late, with the planning meetings,  budget meetings and board meetings, but it is always wonderful to see progress in a state archive, especially in light of the current budget situation. As always, I am still diligently working on my three workshops for the year and I am also helping a couple of local organizations plan oral history and ethnography projects, as well as preparing a National Register Nomination, a museum interpretation plan, and inventorying the Charles Morgan Collection.

earlier this week the radio interview I did aired on local radio stations and online. This interview was done by the Alabama Arts Radio group. I was also interviewed by for the Archive's newsletter, which will come out in January.

For more information about my work in Alabama, visit:

Here is the link for the radio interview if you are interested:

Well, that's all for now.

Have a wonderful week and explore your surroundings!!!!

Cheylon Woods
IMLS Fellow
Alabama Department of Archives and History

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