Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 12 at Fisk Franklin Library

Hello all,

This week was a very exciting week. My first publication came out and my proposal for the National Roswenwald School Conference was accepted.  I have continued to work on the Smith collection and I am aiming to have section 1 of the collection complete by December 15th. It is a more than interesting section with correspondence between Smith, Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington, and many other early influences in education. I am having a grand time processing this collection as well as learning different techniques. Fisk Archives does not use a technical program to process the collections like Archon or Archival Toolkit. So, it is interesting working first hand creating inventories and myself by hand. But, it is teaching my original processing techniques and given me a more keen eye to detail. I am thankful.

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