Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 15 at the Alabama Department of Archives and History

This week I continued to process the Charles Morgan Collection, scanning the last book of Peppler negatives and registering participants for my exhibit design workshop. I am excited because it is almost full! I can't wait to present it! I also met the Bracy sisters, who came to identify people and places in their family's photographs in the Jim Peppler collection. The Southern Courier reported on their family after their house was firebombed in Wetumpka, Alabama. Sophia and her older sister Debra integrated the all white high school in Wetumpka, and her sister was arrested for an altercation she had with a white student at the high school. This incident resulted in her being expelled for 3 months until the federal government stepped in. their story is very interesting and I enjoyed my day with them.

Until next time

Happy holidays

Cheylon Woods
IMLS Fellow
Alabama Department of Archives and History

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