Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week Eleven-Thirteen (or Twelve)

Sorry for the delayed postings, but things since the holiday has been very fast paced here and time to write a post has not presented itself.

So a few updates.

During the week of Thanksgiving, Avery staff and volunteers did some clean-up of our respective spaces. Ms. Mayo and I worked on the archives portion, where we organized some disparate collections and found collections that needed descriptions.

The following week I began working on describing these collections, fine tuning my public program, which is tentatively called Woke Up Black Charleston. The platform that we will probably use to develop this collection is the Omeka software and I am working with the library staff to make this occur. I will keep you guys updated about this. I am excited and the rest of the staff is too about this project and what it will mean for both Avery as well as for the students.

My time has also been spent working on the Avery website, which we hope to launch soon as well as the Avery blog updates. We changed the name from “Keep Your Eyes on the Prize” to “Not Just in February” and changed the image as well, from a picture of the Hospital Worker's Strike of 1969 to one of the Jenkins Orphanage Band.  

Read more here

Aaisha Haykal
IMLS Fellow
Avery Research Center

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