Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 6 at the Alabama Department of Archives and History

Greetings from Montgomery!!!!

This week was Train the Trainer week for me! I spent three days in Jackson Mississippi learning how to develop workshops and seminars for the local communities and fellow archivists. It was wonderful getting to collaborate with other archivists, and it was inspiring to see so many young people excited to join the field! Everyone was very excited about my workshop, as I was about theirs, plus we got to take a tour of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, which is a beautiful facility! I also finished cataloging two collections and started a new collection before I left for training. I am really excited about this new collection becuase it is comprised of pictures from a black middle or upper middle class family. These pictures provide a glimpse into another black culture and society that seems to sometimes go unnoticed, or is marginalized.

Until next week! Be safe and be blessed!

Cheylon Woods

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