Monday, October 17, 2011

Week Six at Avery

This week was quite busy, mainly writing for the Avery blog and Avery Messenger (which is the newsletter sent out to supporters). I am finishing up a blog post about the importance of Community Archiving (CA) and the role of the repository and/or archivist in such a project, which will be part one of a five week series I will do on Community Archiving (not to say that I will not write more about CA after the five weeks are over with). Then for the Messenger, Ms. Mayo and I worked on an article talking about why I am here and what I will be doing while I am here. In addition, I wrote an article about Community Archiving/Archives, mainly highlighting the reasons why communities decide to undertake such a project.

On Thursday and Friday, I worked on processing the Order of the Eastern Star collection, encoding the box and folder listing and this week I am working on the collection overview and historical note.

For more on my thoughts for the week, check here

Have a good day!!


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