Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week Four From Alabama Department of Archives!

Hello All! Greetings from Montgomery! This week I had the pleasure of processing a collection tucked within a collection, and of love letters from World War II no less! This collection, which is titled the Jessie O. White Papers, was very insightful into the love life of one particular soldier stationed at Tuskegee during World War II. I also presented at the Society for Alabama Archivists on oral history! Everyone at the conference was so nice, encouraging and interested in oral history and how archives can utilize them, it was a wonderful experience! In addition to the wonderful things I am doing at work, I am also enjoying the breakfast lectures hosted by the One Montgomery community organization.

That is all I have for now, If you would like to read more about my experiences in Montgomery, check out my blog,

Until next week!

Cheylon Woods

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