Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 8 at Fisk

This week was eventful and very exciting. I would spill it all here, but, I wrote so much in my own blog.

This week we hosted our Archives Celebration Month event where we exhibited many collections including the Jubilee Singers, Aaron Douglas, W.E.B. Du Bois, Naomi Long Madgett, Charles S. Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, the Spence Family and others. We are in the process of getting the "ok" to leave up the exhibit since we have plenty of space for researchers.

In addition, we attended the Tennessee Archivist conference with the theme of church/religious records in the state of Tennessee. I was surprised to see so many religious archives represented at the conference. It was very nice to meet different types of Archivists and see the support within the archival community.

To find out what it took to get such a large exhibit up and my highlights of the Tennessee State Archivist conference, check out my blog "Adventures of an Archivist" @

Good day,
Aisha Johnson

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