Monday, October 31, 2011

Week Eight at MSA

I started off the week touring historic sites around Annapolis. The Maryland State Archives hosted a War of 1812 workshop for Anne Arundel County. I attended the workshop's morning tours to Fort Nonsense, the U.S. Naval Academy Museum, and the Maryland State House. In the afternoon, I went to the Banneker-Douglass Museum, the state’s official repository of African American material culture, with other staff to help install our exhibit, Flee! Stories of Flight from Maryland in Black and White.

Much of the rest of the week I spent record stripping from manumission lists to populate our new database. I worked with another staff member to revamp the Legacy of Slavery in Maryland brochure. I also prepared and discussed a social media plan with my supervisors, and we hope to launch it shortly!

For details of my meanderings around Maryland, please visit my blog.

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